vineri, 1 februarie 2013

Vampires myth or real?

            As all of you know, vampires are mythological beings  who suck the life force out of  anything that has a pulse.Or are they?
           Vampires were given diffrent names through history:

  1. For Romanians as myself they are called "strigoi", the funny thing is a supertition in my country that the strigoi are created if a black cat passes over a dead person coffin.So as superstitious as I am, I do not belive that if a cat passes over my coffin I will become a vampire! :))  Ok joke aside vampire myth started in my country with the one and only bloody count,yes you guessed COUNT DRACULA or VLAD THE IMPELAR as he is know in history books.Many of you belive in the tale of Dracula but let me ask you this : " Do you really belive beeing a vampire is easy?" let us talk abou that later on.
  2. In Greece they are named "vrykolakos"
  3. In Spain they are named "bloodsugare"
  4. In Italy they are named "sanguisuga"
              Let us find out were the myth of vampire has its origin:
              The vampires and all of the dark mythical creatures appred in the dark ages, when medicine and science did not have all the answers they have today, and so the plagues of the that time created the vampire myth.
              The plagues responsabile for creating this myth are
  1. Porphyria: it is a plague that makes the people infected with it crave blood, and be sensitive to sunlight.It seemed at the time that the people how drank blood and were infected,were able to temporarly be cured.Today things are diffrent porphyria is treatable, if you want to now more just click the 3 link in the source information area.
  2. Catalepsie: this is a plague has one particular simptome and that is making the infected look like he or she does not have a pulse, and the main thing we now about vampires is that they are dead.This littel bastred is the plague that started a myth about vampires and one about BLOODY MARY..........This story is for the next post.
           This two littel deviles are the plagues that started the myths in the first place.There are others that helped build the myth and if you want to know more just click the 4 link in the source information area.
           We talked about myth, actualy I talked you listed to my braging,so now let us come back to reality. In our days, meaning 2013, when you say vampire what pops to your mind first? I think it is this:

             Am I wright?I have a confesion: I Camilla Alice Black love the twlight books!
             The books in this series are amazing, Stephenie Meyer you are a wonderful writer, but the movies disapointed my opinion the movies should have not been made.Ok! ok! I know a lot of girls hate me right about now but, do you really belive that if you meet a vampire you would say  "Make me yours!" or " I love how you sparkle!" ? No the truth be told you will shit you pants and start running and screaming like hell!!!
              Again I am far away from the subject, what I wanted to express in this post is that vampires are something to be afraid of!You ask me why, let me tell you then:
               To make my self undestood let us just make a diffrence between a vampire strenght and his weaknesses:
                            -beautiful and you can not resit them
                            -can bleed you dry
                            -they have fangs
                            -every one develops a special power
             Weaknesses:-fire(who does not get killed afther they burn...I sure do!)
                                  -stake in the heart(humans die of just a heart break so a stake will do the same)
                                  -ripped to pieces and burned(DAAAAAAAAAAA!!!)
                                  -sun(yes and no)
                                  -vervain(up to discution)
                                  -no reflection(that would suck for the BARBIE vampire girls :)) )
             Just by seeing how ridiculos things are i am going to say that there is no way in hell that I am going to let a vampire have his way with me.I know I will probaly lose but I will not die knowing I was a coward.This is the first post and there is much more to say and so littel time.
             Now you are saying what the hell,why is there littel time.Guys I have a conffesion to make in 2 years I am going to be dead because a dark creature is going to kill me so I write this blog to not be forgotten.Hope you enjoyed my blabbling until nex time!!!!

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