duminică, 3 februarie 2013

Midnight Frost (Mythos Academy 5) by Jennifer Estep


           Here we go again …

          Just when it seems life at Mythos Academy can’t get any more dangerous, the Reapers of Chaos manage to prove me wrong. It was just a typical night at the Library of Antiquities — until a Reaper tried to poison me. The good news is I’m still alive and kicking. The bad news is the Reaper poisoned someone else instead.

           As Nike’s Champion, everyone expects me to lead the charge against the Reapers, even though I’m still hurting over what happened with Spartan warrior Logan Quinn. I’ve got to get my hands on the antidote fast — otherwise, an innocent person will die. But the only known cure is hidden in some creepy ruins — and the Reapers are sure to be waiting for me there

Expected publication: July 30th 2013 by K-Tee

This one is not out yet I can not wait to see if Quinn starts to act like the hero he is not like the scaried child he was when he was littel. 

Crimson Frost (Mythos Academy 4) by Jennifer Estep


             For a moment, a face flashed before my eyes—the most hideous face I’d ever seen. No matter how hard I tried to forget what had happened, I saw him everywhere I went. It was Loki—the evil god that I’d helped set free against my will.

            I should have known that my first official date with Logan Quinn was destined to end in disaster. If we’d gotten into a swordfight, or been ambushed by Reapers, I’d have been more prepared. But getting arrested mid-sip at the local coffee hangout? I didn’t see that one coming.

            I’ve been accused of purposely helping the Reapers free Loki from his prison—and the person leading the charge against me is Linus Quinn, Logan’s dad. The worst part is that pretty much everyone at Mythos Academy thinks I’m guilty. If I’m going to get out of this mess alive, I’ll have to do it myself.

here you can download the first 5 books : http://www.torrentreactor.net/torrents/6185622/Mythos-Academy-Series-by-Jennifer-Estep 

Dark Frost (Mythos Academy 3) by Jennifer Estep


                      I've seen so many freaky things since I started attending Mythos Academy last fall. I know I'm supposed to be a fearless warrior, but most of the time, I feel like I'm just waiting for the next Bad, Bad Thing to happen. Like someone trying to kill me again.
                    Everyone at Mythos Academy knows me as Gwen Frost, the Gypsy girl who uses her psychometry magic to find lost objects and who just may be dating Logan Quinn, the hottest guy in school. But I'm also the girl the Reapers of Chaos want dead in the worst way. The Reapers are the baddest of the bad, the people who murdered my mom. So why do they have it in for me? 
                    It turns out my mom hid a powerful artifact called the Helheim Dagger before she died. Now, the Reapers will do anything to get it back. They think I know where the dagger is hidden, but this is one thing I can't use my magic to find. All I do know is that the Reapers are coming for me and I'm in for the fight of my life.

here you can download the first 5 books : http://www.torrentreactor.net/torrents/6185622/Mythos-Academy-Series-by-Jennifer-Estep

Kiss of Frost (Mythos Academy 2) by Jennifer Estep


                   I’m Gwen Frost, a second-year warrior-in-training at Mythos Acad­emy, and I have no idea how I’m going to sur­vive the rest of the semes­ter. One day, I’m get­ting schooled in sword­play by the guy who broke my heart—the drop-dead gor­geous Logan who slays me every time. Then, an invis­i­ble archer in the Library of Antiq­ui­ties decides to use me for tar­get prac­tice. And now, I find out that some­one at the acad­emy is really a Reaper bad guy who wants me dead. I’m afraid if I don’t learn how to live by the sword—with Logan’s help—I just might die by the sword.

here is were zou can download de first 5 books: http://www.torrentreactor.net/torrents/6185622/Mythos-Academy-Series-by-Jennifer-Estep

Touch of Frost (Mythos Academy 1) by Jennifer Estep


                       My name is Gwen Frost, and I go to Mythos Academy; a school of myths, magic and warrior whiz kids, where even the lowliest geek knows how to chop off somebody's head with a sword and Logan Quinn, the hottest Spartan guy in school, also happens to be the deadliest. But lately, things have been weird, even for Mythos. 
                       First, mean girl Jasmine Ashton was murdered in the Library of Antiquities. Then, someone stole the Bowl of Tears, a magical artifact that can be used to bring about the second Chaos War. You know, death, destruction and lots of other bad, bad things. Freaky stuff like this goes on all the time at Mythos, but I'm determined to find out who killed Jasmine and why; especially since I should have been the one who died.

here is the link for downloding the first 5 books : http://www.torrentreactor.net/torrents/6185622/Mythos-Academy-Series-by-Jennifer-Estep

First Frost (Mythos Academy 0.5) by Jennifer Estep


                     I am Gwen Frost, and I have a Gypsy gift.  It's called psychometry - that's a fancy way of saying that I see images in my head and get flashes of other people's memories off almost everything I touch, even guys. 
                    My gift makes me kind of nosy. Okay, okay, maybe a lot nosy--to the point of obsession sometimes. I want to know everything about everyone around me. But even I don't want to know the secrets my friend Paige is hiding or the terrible loss that will send me to a new school - Mythos Academy, where the teachers aren't preparing us for the SATs, but to battle Reapers of Chaos.  Now I have no friends and no idea how my gift fits in with all these warrior whiz kids.  The only thing I do know is that my life is never, ever going to be the same.

here is the link to the fist 4 books: http://www.torrentreactor.net/torrents/6185622/Mythos-Academy-Series-by-Jennifer-Estep

Mythos Academy general info

              This seires is full of dark creatues, witch is the reason I started this blog,so let us talk a bit about his series written by Jennifer Estep, and after that I will start posting reviwes about all the 7 book and links were you can downlod them as epub.
              This books contain: magic,gods(all of them,meaning from all cultures),reapers(bu not in the normal sens, these are LOKI'S followers),mountain cats,powers that develop after you are 16 years old,death( a lot of it),and romance that is hot,cold,hot,cold,non existing.As you have guessed the bad guy is LOKI the trickster,and the one who will stop him is Gwen Frost. She is Nike's champion.....and no I am not reffering to the brand, I a reffering to the goodess of victory.To not give any more spoilers I will stop here.

For more info of how this series was made follow this link by clicking here.

vineri, 1 februarie 2013

Bloody freaking Mary!!!!

            We all know the story,or do we?I for one now 3 stories about bloody Mary, and if I have to choose a real one I would tell you that I belive the most in the tale of Mary Worth.It is just sad to sad to have such a name ,and the story they tell about you is very creepy.
             So I decided to share with you the 3 storie that I know.Hope you are not reading the at night,and for haven sake you never do the ritual.
              Story 1:


             The legend starts with Mary Worth,who, was acussed of having a child with the devil.She was tortured into telling the name of the father of the child.To their surprize Mary said that the father was a young boy who everybody knew. Normaly nobody belived her,and as punisment for lying,she was banished from church and called a witch.All of you think that would be enought for her but the towns people wanted revenge and the witch killed.They tied poor Mary to tree and put a mirror in front of her, and the one by one the men in town cut her with a knife to teach her a lesson.When it was the turn of the boy that betrayed marry by not telling the truth and letting her suffer alone(coward), he took the knife and pushed it in Mary's abdomen,killing her child.With her last breath the girl cursed everybody in town to suffer, and her soul went into the mirror.
            The idiot who maked Mary suffer knew that the curse was real so he killed everybody,including himself, that did wrong to Mary. All in twon thought that they escaped the curse, but on HALLOWEEN(the tradition of that time was that an unmarried girl should look at night in a mirror an would see her future husband), a girl looked in a mirror and saw Mary.Trapped by the witch the girl was made to say "I belive in Mary Worth!!!", the moment the words came out her mouth Mary got out of the mirro and killed her.The girl was de boy's(idiot/coward) littel sister.

          Story 2:


          Littel Mary lived in the town of Jackson 150 years ago.One day she fell ill, and some days afther she was declared dead(catalepsie).In those days the dead were burried with a string attached to their hand in the coffin.Outside the other end of the string was tied to a bell, so if the one declared dead was clinicaly dead and would come back to life, they would been taken out of the garve.
         Mary was burried in the same way.Her mother was in such pain that she would visit the grave every hour to be sure the bell did ring and she was not there to hear it.That night she was crying over the grave so her husbanmd who was a doctor gave he something to sleep peacefully, and that night he got drunk because of the grief.They did not hear the bell ringing that night,an the next mornning they saw it on the ground( the bell is hanged ). Diging up the casket they find out that their daughter is really dead,and on the coffin lid there are nail scratches.
           The legend says that if at night you look in a mirror and say "Bloody Mary" 3 times ,she will apear in the mirror with bloddy hands, and the next day you will be in a coma and father 4 days you will die. 

            Story 3:(not mine)

            Mary Tudor was the jewel of England. The prized possession of her parents, King Henry Tudor VIII of England and Queen Katherine (Catalina) of Spain and Aragon. When The Queen could not provide a son by the time Mary was 10, King Henry sent her away to one of their castles in the marshes. She died a number of years later with out seeing Mary before her death.

             Mary was around the age of 19. In those seven years, Mary had been turned into what only could be called an bastard child. The king had also taken up a mistress, Anne Bolen. She gave birth to Elizabeth I. Edward VI was from another mistress that was soon crowned Queen. She later died. When Mary would not submerge to the Kings rule, accepting Anne as the Queen and declaring herself a bastard child, he made himself head of church so she could not refuse him. Mary had to sign the contract or be faced with death.

             When still, she obeyed her mother's wishes for her to become Queen and not a bastard child, King Henry declared himself head of church over the pope. She signed and avoided the death penalty. When Henry died, leaving only bastard children, Mary became the first female Queen of England. She made the pope head of church again.

             She killed the people that opposed her and still wanted things to be like they where when her father ruled. She killed so many for the sake of England. She later fell in love with a Prince Philip, but he soon left her to return to his hailing county. Some say she went mad like her Aunt Juana when her husband died. The truth may never be reveled about the real Bloody Mary.

               If you are not beliving this listen to this stories maybe you will belive me then and think before doing a stupid thing: (not mine)

                 This is a very touchy subject for me. The whole Bloody Mary thing is true, for I know it is. This took place in a small town called Newport, MI, just north of Monroe. On June 22, 1999, in the Monroe Evening Newspaper, there’s an article about my best friend, Mike. We were only thirteen at the time, you know the age of curiosity and the first time hearing the legend of Bloody Mary. It was around ten or eleven at night, when the moon is covered by trees, so there’s very little light. We both wanted to try it out, but to this day, I am glad I never went in with him. He went into the bathroom by himself because we thought it wouldn’t work if we both tried it at the same time.

                The legend we heard was that you had to light six candles, write 666 on the mirror with anything red (we used lipstick,) and say "Bloody Mary" six times. My friend did these things because we wrote the stuff and lit the candles before we shut the door. I heard him say "Bloody Mary." Nothing happened for ten minutes, he didn’t make any noise and I could still see the lights from the candles under the bathroom door. I didn't think much of it and went downstairs to get something to drink. When I came back, I was a little worried because I could see no candlelight and the bathroom door was locked. I pounded on the door until his dad asked what I was doing.

                His dad believed that we accidentally locked the door, so he got his lock-pick set. When he got the lock undone, the door was stuck when we pushed on it. After about fifteen minutes of pushing, there was a thump and when the door opened, my friend was kneeling on the ground and his head was in the sink. My friend died doing this stupid legend. Please, don't any of you make the same mistake. By Matty

                  My friend had a slumber party and they dared her to do Bloody Mary, you know go into the bathroom turn off the lights, light a candle, chat "Bloody Mary" thirteen times and she will appear. For about 15 minutes, nothing happened. Then we heard her scream and she tried to get out of the bathroom. The door was stuck but it didn't have a lock. When we got her out she was crying and whimpering like a madman. We asked her what happened. She showed us her arms and there were scars there that had never been there before. Tons of them, like 20 scars!!! A few days later they disappeared! She won't tell us what happened or what she saw when we asked her about it. She just looks at us in a hateful way. One time she said she wished it would have been Jenna that did it, because it was Jenna's dare. By Kelsie

                 When I was at a slumber party we would tell stories about "Bloody Mary." Here's one of the memorable ones... There was once a girl named Cassie and a girl named Susan. A friend, Sharon called them and asked "do you want to do Bloody Mary? They said "fine" and went to her house. They began to chant "Bloody Mary." When nothing happened, they decided to go home. On the way, they agreed that Bloody Mary was just a superstition. Later, when Sharon was going to take a bath she went out of the room and when she came back the water was blood. Then, when Cassie woke up at night she saw someone walking down the stairway with a bloody knife. The next morning, their mom came in and found them dead and with scars covering their entire face and a bloody knife in their stomach. By Sarah

BOOOOOOO!!!!Now do you belive,if not just watch yourself !!!!!!!!  

Source information:

Vampires myth or real?

            As all of you know, vampires are mythological beings  who suck the life force out of  anything that has a pulse.Or are they?
           Vampires were given diffrent names through history:

  1. For Romanians as myself they are called "strigoi", the funny thing is a supertition in my country that the strigoi are created if a black cat passes over a dead person coffin.So as superstitious as I am, I do not belive that if a cat passes over my coffin I will become a vampire! :))  Ok joke aside vampire myth started in my country with the one and only bloody count,yes you guessed COUNT DRACULA or VLAD THE IMPELAR as he is know in history books.Many of you belive in the tale of Dracula but let me ask you this : " Do you really belive beeing a vampire is easy?" let us talk abou that later on.
  2. In Greece they are named "vrykolakos"
  3. In Spain they are named "bloodsugare"
  4. In Italy they are named "sanguisuga"
              Let us find out were the myth of vampire has its origin:
              The vampires and all of the dark mythical creatures appred in the dark ages, when medicine and science did not have all the answers they have today, and so the plagues of the that time created the vampire myth.
              The plagues responsabile for creating this myth are
  1. Porphyria: it is a plague that makes the people infected with it crave blood, and be sensitive to sunlight.It seemed at the time that the people how drank blood and were infected,were able to temporarly be cured.Today things are diffrent porphyria is treatable, if you want to now more just click the 3 link in the source information area.
  2. Catalepsie: this is a plague has one particular simptome and that is making the infected look like he or she does not have a pulse, and the main thing we now about vampires is that they are dead.This littel bastred is the plague that started a myth about vampires and one about BLOODY MARY..........This story is for the next post.
           This two littel deviles are the plagues that started the myths in the first place.There are others that helped build the myth and if you want to know more just click the 4 link in the source information area.
           We talked about myth, actualy I talked you listed to my braging,so now let us come back to reality. In our days, meaning 2013, when you say vampire what pops to your mind first? I think it is this:

             Am I wright?I have a confesion: I Camilla Alice Black love the twlight books!
             The books in this series are amazing, Stephenie Meyer you are a wonderful writer, but the movies disapointed me......in my opinion the movies should have not been made.Ok! ok! I know a lot of girls hate me right about now but, do you really belive that if you meet a vampire you would say  "Make me yours!" or " I love how you sparkle!" ? No the truth be told you will shit you pants and start running and screaming like hell!!!
              Again I am far away from the subject, what I wanted to express in this post is that vampires are something to be afraid of!You ask me why, let me tell you then:
               To make my self undestood let us just make a diffrence between a vampire strenght and his weaknesses:
                            -beautiful and you can not resit them
                            -can bleed you dry
                            -they have fangs
                            -every one develops a special power
             Weaknesses:-fire(who does not get killed afther they burn...I sure do!)
                                  -stake in the heart(humans die of just a heart break so a stake will do the same)
                                  -ripped to pieces and burned(DAAAAAAAAAAA!!!)
                                  -sun(yes and no)
                                  -vervain(up to discution)
                                  -no reflection(that would suck for the BARBIE vampire girls :)) )
             Just by seeing how ridiculos things are i am going to say that there is no way in hell that I am going to let a vampire have his way with me.I know I will probaly lose but I will not die knowing I was a coward.This is the first post and there is much more to say and so littel time.
             Now you are saying what the hell,why is there littel time.Guys I have a conffesion to make in 2 years I am going to be dead because a dark creature is going to kill me so I write this blog to not be forgotten.Hope you enjoyed my blabbling until nex time!!!!

Source Information:



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